Wednesday 10 November 2021 between 3pm and 9pm
Venue: Rik Medlik Building, University of Surrey campus, Guildford GU2 7XH
Films in English or in German with English subtitles.
Each great film is introduced by a lecturer in Film Studies at University of Surrey:
- 3 pm: Three Fairy Tales by Lotte Reiniger (1922-1954) - three short films illustrating Reiniger's pioneering technique of silhouete animation and its development over 30+ years.
With introduction by Dr Bella Honess Roe, Senior Lecturer in Film Studies & Director of Employability (School of Literature & Languages)
- 4.30pm: Tschick by Fatih Akin (2016) - two teenage outsiders from Berlin steal a car and go on an eccentric road trip through Germany.
With introduction to European Cinema & to “Tschick" by Professor Phil Powrie, Professor of Film Studies
- 7 pm: Barbara by Christian Petzold (2012) - a doctor working in 1980s East Germany finds herself banished to a small country hospital. A suspenseful thriller with a different viewpoint from that of Das Leben der Anderen (The Lives of Others). Winner of Berlinale Silver Bear 2012 and Deutscher Filmpreis Silver Lola 2012.
With introduction by Dr Helen Hughes, Senior Lecturer in German and Film Studies.
- GTA members and students FREE.
- For non-member adults: £2 per film, £5 for all three films.
Please register for / buy your tickets at in advance, so we know how many are coming to which film(s) and can if necessary send messages to you.
Non-members: why not become a member today and get these tickets free plus member benefits in the future? Membership only costs £7 for an individual, £10 for a couple, free for age 16-23.
How to get there
Here's a campus map and a link to the University's How to get here page
Car - free parking on campus is available, though a space cannot be guaranteed. If you come before 5pm, you will need to register your car's number plate for a free visitor's permit, through the ticketing system at (After 5pm, parking is free for everyone.) If you need disabled parking and access, please email us so we can arrange a guaranteed space for you.
Buses - there are buses from Guildford Station (rear exit) and from Friary bus centre to the venue.
Additional info
Refreshments will be available.
Everyone will be asked to sign in /scan QR code for NHS Track & Trace purposes.