A: Making friends! We've done it for 45 years

For Guildford and Freiburg, the meaning of "twinning" was set out in their 1979 promise to each other:

“to maintain regular mutual liaison, to exchange our experiences and to encourage and support the coming together of our citizens in every sphere.” 


How is that going? 

We look back 45 years later and see:


Numerous exchanges and visits back and forth: schools, university, sport, art, music, mayors...


001 Blau Weiss playing Gfd City Boys 2013

 002 Schönberg Tennis Club at Pit Farm Tennis Club 2016 003 Fbg student in Guildford 2014

Blau-Weiss play Guildford City Boys
in Guildford 2013

Schönberg Tennis Club with Pit Farm
Tennis Club in Guildford in 2016

Freiburg student joins Surrey 
University volleyball team 2014

 004 Guildford musicians in Fbg 2024  005 Fbg Gfd choirs in Gfd 2015  IMG 2705 small

Guildford musicians Briggs & Stark perform
at Freiburg’s Partner Cities Fair 2024

Freiburg Youth Wind Band and South West
Surrey Concert Band play together at
George Abbott School in Guildford 2015

Freiburg Cathedral Boys’ Choir sing at
Holy Trinity Church 2024

 007 Nick Pyne Carayatids 2022 008 Fbg artist artwork joint exhib Fbg 2022   

“Caryatids” by Guildford’s Nick Pyne is 

exhibited in a joint exhibition in Freiburg 2022

Freiburg’s Konrad Wallmeier and his
artwork in a joint exhibition in Freiburg 2022

 014 Mayor in Fbg 2015 015 Mayors in Guildford 2017   016 Mayors in Guildford 2019

Mayor Nikki Nelson-Smith with Bürgermeister
Otto Neideck, opening the Christmas market in
Freiburg 2015

Mayor Gordon Jackson with
Oberbürgermeister Dieter Salomon
appreciating local produce in
Guildford 2017

Mayor Richard Billington with
Oberbürgermeister Martin Horn in
Guildford 2019 


Free (mostly) cultural education: lectures, seminars, films, concerts...

 017 Eaton Slade Mayor 2014 Dr Massetti in the Council Chamber small   020 Extract from German democracy 2017

Art historian Eveline Eaton (l) lectured on Berlin’s
art & architecture, here with GTA Chair Peter
Slade & Mayor Diana Lockyer-Nibbs in 2014

Dr Emanuele Massetti of Surrey University
lectures on German democracy 2017

Dr Emanuele Massetti’s explanation of the
German constitution in 2017 – an intellectual

 PA030436small Thumbnail Erik Jo Levi playing 2020   Filmfest flyers

Dr Ben Schofield of Kings College London gives
a 6th form seminar on “Unlock the world with
languages” in 2019

Musicologist and pianist Professor Erik Levi and cellist Jo Levi have given many

concerts and lectures
on aspects of German music

 Our annual Filmfest shows 3 German films in one day. Carefully chose films, from heritage to meaty to quirky
Online contact: Zoom quizzes with mixed Freiburg/Guildford teams for Fastnet (Carnival) or Halloween
 GTA Guildford Quiz invitation October 2023  Screenshot Halloween quiz 2023  
 Halloween quiz invitation 2023 Quiz participants - both towns 2023  
Members’ socials: lunches, dinners, celebrations
 More pics to come    
Members’ annual trip to Freiburg, with Partner Cities Fair in alternate years
 More pics to come    
Our annual German mini Christmas market, when we sell German-themed gifts and promote Freiburg and the twinning
 More pics to come    
The people of the lovely city of Freiburg are warm and welcoming, and Guildford people now have many friends there. Twinning seems to be going well!