1 piano, 2 cellos, 3 bows

Cellist Jo Levi and music professor & pianist Erik Levi played their own selection of music by German composers, mostly beginning with B (Programme below). At Guildford County School, Farnham Road, Guildford GU2 4LU. A public event with free admission.

Levis at Concert 2024  


Brahms : Hungarian Dance
Schumann : Fantasiestücke 
J.S.Bach:  Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue 
C.P.E.Bach:  Viola da Gamba Sonata 
Beethoven: Variations on Handel's 'See the Conquering Hero'
Hildegard von Bingen: Divine Love
Kurt Weill: 5 Songs: 
  • Mussels from Margate
  • Mack the Knife 
  • Youkali
  • Saga of Jenny
  • Moon-faced, starry-eyed