Surrey academic to give lecture on War and Peace...and German philosophy

For more details, see here

Date: Monday 24 March 2025 at 7.15 pm (doors open 7pm)

Venue: Council Chamber, Guildford Borough Council, Millmead, Guildford GU2 4BB

Speaker: Dr Alex Leveringhaus, Dept of Politics, University of Surrey

FREE admission - to reserve your place, BOOK HERE!

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Winners of our Short Film Competition for Schools 2024

This year there were two first prizes and one runner-up. The Mayor, accompanied by fellow judges Professor Susan Pratt and Town Guide Nick Bale, awarded the prizes at our Christmas market.

The film had to be in German, the topic "Darf ich vorstellen... (May I introduce...)". There was some interesting use of film techniques and everyone had a lot of fun.

You can see all the winning films here.

 Winners Cat B 2024




Guildford County School team, Lizzie Johnson and Daisy Usherwood, won first prize (Category B - yrs 12-13)

Winners filmcomp 2024A

Tormead School team, Reeya Kaur and Bela Tharani, won first prize (Category A - yrs 7-11)

 Runnersup 2024  

Tormead School team Ellie Szekeres (team-mate Erin Swinney was absent) were runners-up (Category A - yrs 7-11)



GTA's Christmas market successful again!

Our traditional one-day market in the Guildhall on Sunday 1 December 2024 saw record numbers of visitors, who drank record numbers of mugs of Glühwein - the mugs were gorgeous again this year - and snapped up our selection of German Christmas bakery, gifts, stockingfillers, books, wreaths, and this year enjoyed a German beer tasting.

 Mugs 2024    Doorway Guildhall 2024
 Wide view Xmas market 2024    General view Xmas market 2024
 Glühwein 2024    Live music Levis 2024


Mayor and Chair attended WW2 Commemoration Ceremony in Freiburg

On 27 November 2024, Freiburg commemorated the 80th anniversary of the 1944 bombing of Freiburg - by the RAF - which destroyed much of the city centre and killed nearly 3,000 people. The Oberbürgermeister invited the Mayors of Guildford and also Besançon, France, another twin town, to attend the ceremony which as he said was "an occasion to emphasise the importance of peace, democracy and reconciliation". The GTA Chair and her husband were invited too to support the Mayor.

It was a very moving occasion. The programme for the visitors included a sobering guided tour themed "Freiburg under the Nazi regime" and an equally sobering exhibition showing the destruction caused by the attack. Then there were two ceremonies, one in the Council chamber, where our Mayor addressed Freiburg's 48 councillors, the other in the Münster, where each of the three mayors gave an address as part of a special service of commemoration. In addition, the visitors were shown round Freiburg's buzzing, humming Weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas market).  

 Muenster Freiburg lighting peace candle 2024    Freiburg City Council w Mayor Guildford
The Mayors of Guildford, Besançon and Freiburg lighting a Peace Candle in Freiburg Münster  .... The Mayor of Guildford addresses a meeting of Freiburg City Council....................................................

 Weihnachtsmarkt 2024

The bright lights and the atmosphere of the Weihnachtsmarkt attracted lots of visitors, old and young, families and groups of friends.

  Weihnachtsmarkt 20242 


German mini Christmas market - Sunday 1 December 11am-3pm in the Guildhall

The winners of this year's Short Film Competition for Schools will be announced at 12 o'clock and prizes presented by the Mayor. See you there!

Xmas mkt image 2024


Beer tasting

Members and their guests learnt about German beer styles and tasted 6 different Schwarzwald (Black Forest) beers, 2 of them non-alcoholic, at a tasting run by distributor Black Forest Beers. Both our Patron (Zöe Franklin MP) and our President (Mayor Sallie Franklin) enthusiastically participated.

Beer tasting 2024 Mayors table1Beer tasting Zoe Franklin MP 2024

Mayor and partner in foreground...................................Patron Zöe Franklin MP raises a glass


Zöe Franklin MP becomes GTA Patron

Our constitution requires us to invite the incumbent MP to become our patron - so we did, and she is! We now look forward to a long and mutually fruitful relationship.


German music recital - "Mostly Bs"

Erik played 1 piano, while Jo played 2 cellos (1 electric) with 3 bows ... when they gave a public recital hosted at Guildford County School last July. They selected German composers mostly beginning with B, starting with mediaeval saint Hildegarde von Bingen and ending with Kurt Weill.

Levis at Concert 2024 Jo & Erik Levi performed their selection at Guildford County School



VIPS at concert 2024 

Jo Levi (l), Erik Levi, Mayor Cllr Sallie Barker (3rd l), Chair Barbara Ford.



Freiburg Cathedral Boys Choir - Freibuger Domsingknaben

They came to Guildford and they sang like angels!  60 boys, aged 10 to adult, sang during the morning service in Holy Trinity Church on Sunday 1 September. Then the Mayor, supported by the GTA, hosted a reception in the Guildhall for the whole choir, and, led by their Director of Music Professor Boris Böhmann, they sang for us again. It was sublime.

For the choir, this was part of a tour of UK cathedrals and churches - the previous evening they had sung in Westminster Cathedral. The tour was supported by the Rotary clubs of Guildford and Freiburg.

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They sang in the Church

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They sang in the Guildhall

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     The Mayor welcomed them

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Organist Thomas Hawkes accompanied them



Mayor Sallie Barker with the choir's Director of Music 

and its teacher, plus Presidents and officers of Freiburg

and Guildford Rotary.




Newsletter! - See our bumper newsletter here for a report on the last 3 years, with lots of pictures.


 Members' Trip to Freiburg and Partner Cities Fair   





 GTA Filmfest 2024 - a great success

Eventbrite image for Filmfest 2024

3 great films! Admission free.


-Sophie Scholl: die Letzten Tage (2005)

-Lola Rennt (1998)

Hosted by University of Surrey.





 Short Film Competition for Schools 2023     Freiburg winners announced!
 Guildford ceremony 1  

Our Short film competition for Schools in Freiburg was

won by a pair of talented girls this year. 


Watch their mysterious interview with a time traveller here. 


Winners Julia Luzot and Julia Obrecht of Freiburg's

Deutsch-Französisches-Gymnasium, received their prizes

from Stadtrat (City Councillor) Timothy Simms. 






German Christmas market in the Guildhall and Short Film Competition for Schools 2023

We kicked off December with two events, both great fun, supported by the Mayor and a cheerful gingerbread lady.

German Christmas market 

Mayor demonstrates Gingerbread house photo spot 


 We sold gifts, wooden toys, bakery, Glühwein...


....and these specially-designed mugs

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Short Film Competition for Schools 2023 

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The brief:  make a 2-minute film in German, topic 'Ein Interview mit...'

Winners: Lizzie Johnson, Daisy Usherwood, Caspar Noble and Felix Newton

with Judges: Professor Susan Pratt of Surrey University and Cllr Masuk Miah, Mayor of Guildford.

See the winning films here.


(The Freiburg winners of their competition will be announced later.)













Blooming Picnic in the Castle grounds

Picnic Castle 2023 HookaduckHook-a-duck was very popular. Picnic Castle 2023 Mayor Chair The Mayor visited our stall.


We took a stall at this popular annual outdoor family event, providing activites for the kids and talking twinning to their parents.


GTA Picnic castle grounds 2023 1 of 1 3


AGM held via Zoom

Logo 2 with 1979 banner  Guildford's new Mayor, Cllr Masuk Miah, chaired the meeting.  Members took the opportunity to review the GTA's (and its Committee's) progress and to review finances, but did not take the opportunity to offer themselves for election to the Committee.... 


GTA Filmfest a great success

Image for eventbrite filmfest 2023

We screened three German films, with English subtitles, each one with a specialist academic introduction, and all FREE of charge! On University of Surrey campus.  A pioneering silent comedy, a drama mystery thriller and a sci-fi romcom - all fabulous!   

This was a free event held on Wednesday 10 May 2023. Some serious film buffs came to all three films, others picked out one or two.


The Deputy German Ambassador and the Mayor of Guildford came to dinner

 GTA German dinner 2023 1 of 2

The Mayor, the Chair & the Deputy Ambassador

On Tuesday evening GTA members held their annual dinner in the Guildhall, with guests including Rüdiger Bohn, the Deputy Ambassador, and Cllr Dennis Booth, our Mayor. The meal was catered by Not Just Hummus (from the V Café at the Guildford Institute), and a serious touch of elegance was added by music performed by a string quartet from Guildford High School.  A great evening!

 GTA German dinner 2023 2 of 2



Know TV's Babylon Berlin

 Babylon Berlin 2

 Niall Sellar, translator of the books from the original German, gave our FREE Spring public lecture: "Volker Kutscher: a translator's story" last month. Neil talked about the different aspects of translation eg "domestication" vs "foreignisation" and explained the choices he made and makes in his ongoing collaboration with this successful author. To see our video of the talk, click on the image.


Winners announced for our Short Film competition for schools 2022! - You can see all the winning films here.

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 Stadtrat (City Councillor) Timothy Simms awards first prizes to the team from Lessing Realschule, Freiburg, in Freiburg's historic Gerichtslaube. 

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Mayor Cllr Dennis Booth awards first prizes to the St Catherine's team (Category B - yrs 12 & 13) in Guildford's historic Guildhall.



The Mayor awards first prizes to the Guildford High School team (Category A - yrs 7-11)




Joint runner-up, the George Abbot team (a girl and her dog) (Category A - yrs 7-11)


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Joint runner-up, the Tormead team (Category A - yrs 7-11)


First prizes went to teams from Lessing Realschule (Category 1), St Catherine's School (category B) and Guildford High School (category A).

Joint runners-up were teams from George Abbot and Tormead Schools in  Guildford.
