Conversation Partners & penfriends wanted!

Would you like to talk over the internet to someone in Freiburg? You could improve your German, or they could improve their English, or both. You could get to know a bit about each other and maybe make a friend.

Or you could be penfriends, by email or letter.

Or you could talk sometimes and write other times.


How does it work?

Download the Conversation Partner / Penfriend request form, fill it in and return it (as directed on the form), and we'll try to match you with a partner in Freiburg.

When we find one, we give both of you each other's email addresses - then together you can decide how you want to communicate (using Skype / WhatsApp / Facetime / email, etc.), and how often - it's up to you both.  

For example, we were able to fulfill this request from Freiburg:

  • Niklas, aged 21 and a singer and pianist, had studied English and wanted to improve it. He asked us for a Conversation Partner for regular practice - we found him one and both partners improved their language skills while just chatting.

Data protection

The information you provide about yourself is to help us match you with an appropriate person. Apart from giving your email address to a potential partner, we will not share your information with anyone and will delete it when we no longer need it for matching purposes. For more detail, see our privacy policy

All enquiries to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.